Due to the Covid uncertainty both Sanjamb and the Senior Scout Adventure Cederberg are unfortunately not taking place this summer.
Therefore, the Gauteng Region will be hosting the first Senior Scout Adventure Magaliesberg (SSAM) from 6 Jan to 9 Jan 2022.
Register your interest as a Scout
Photo: Sophia Nel/ Pixabay
This event is open to senior Scouts aged 14.5 years and older (as of the event start date). The event will include hiking, water activities and other bases, and will take place at Hartebeespoort Dam and in the Magaliesberg Mountains.
Patrols of 10 Scouts + 1 Adult Leader will be formed from Scouts from within your Troop and/or others. You do not have to find all 10 Scouts and the Adult Leader, but if you do, then that would help the organisers.
Due to resource constraints, participant numbers will be limited. So if you would like to attend the first ever SSAM, express your interest as soon as possible by filling in this form. This opportunity closes on Saturday 13 November at 23:59.
Thereafter, those who have registered, will be requested to provide further information and make payment. Costs will be kept to a minimum and will be advised later.
This event will be physically strenuous. We therefore recommend that you prepare yourself by improving your fitness and map reading skills over the next two months.
Register as an adult helper / Scouter
The SSAM committee is urgently looking for adult Scouters to assist in the running of this event.
Adult Support teams will be expected to arrive on the Wednesday 5 January 2022 to assist in setting up the bases. The bases to be offered will be finalised in the near future, after logistical, staff and equipment resources are better understood. However, the SSAM team envisage the following:
- Hiking (3 days)
- Water Activities (canoeing, swimming & windsurfing)
- Sailing
- Dutch oven cooking
- Commando course
- Kloofing
- Climbing & Bouldering
- (other, suggestions welcome)
Base Managers will be responsible for recruiting & catering for the base team, and equipping and executing their base activity.
Assistance is also required for medical services, transport, administration, public relations, finance etc.
To facilitate planning, please immediately register your intention to participate by filling in this form .
For more information contact:
This promises to be an exciting event. Ensure that you attend the first Senior Scout Adventure Magaliesberg!