Dear Cubs,

Saina, 1st Randburg
Health and emergency service workers, people working in retail and supply chains, etc.. are our heroes right now! They are out there on the front lines and we would love to say thank you to them for their service.
We are challenging you to make some thank you cards (which count towards your Artist Badge). Submit your cards through a photo or even create them on your computer if you like. Be creative and share some positive thoughts for all these people working so hard while the rest of us stay safe at home.

Riley, Randpark Ridge
Submit you cards to your Akela via email or WhatsApp. They can then forward them to friends, parents, and volunteers who are out there making a difference whilst the COVID-19 lock down continues.
Dear Pack Scouters,

Lizy, 1st Randburg
Please send the cards received to people in your Group and encourage them to forward them on so we can thank the heroes in our local communities. If you are on the front lines at the moment, please print a card and hang it in your workplace to share some encouragement and gratitude from our Scouting family to theirs.
Please compile the submissions and submit to Deadline for submissions 30 April 2020.
Yours in Cubbing,
Jeanette Angus
Chair: National Cub Programme
#ScoutsSouthAfrica #SCOUTSSA #Cubs #Cubbing #Gratitude #WithThanks #ThankYou #COVID19 #Coronavirus